Television troubles
So I have a lot of DVDs from the United States. I also have some Icelandic language DVDs, and now that my son is here, I would especially like to watch those.
But of course American DVDs can only be played in American DVD players hooked up to American televisions. Icelandic DVDs can only be played on European DVD players hooked up to European TVs. There has to be a direct connection between two machines speaking the same language. If you try it any other way, as it turns out, you waste a lot of money and get nothing but snowy pictures.
But of course American DVDs can only be played in American DVD players hooked up to American televisions. Icelandic DVDs can only be played on European DVD players hooked up to European TVs. There has to be a direct connection between two machines speaking the same language. If you try it any other way, as it turns out, you waste a lot of money and get nothing but snowy pictures.
Einnig geturu niðurhalað VLC media player en þá geturu allavega horft á amerísku DVD-diskana í tölvunni.
Evrópskur region free spilari spilara ALLA diska region 1 eða 2 eða 3 eða hvað sem er og virkar bæði fyrir PAL (fyrir evrópsk sjónvörp) og NTCS (bandarísk).
Flestir spilarar hér eru region free eða hægt er að gera þá það með lítilli fyrirhöfn
Sama gildir um amerískan region free spilara, en þeir eru sjaldgæfari, minni eftirspurn eftir þeim
The DVD player I bought came with a code to make it region free, so that is not the problem. The problem was the American TV.
Ef þú lætur mig fá upplsýingar um hvaða tegund að DVD spilara. Þá get ég sagt þér hvernig á að gera þetta, ef þetta er hægt á annað borð.
The silly little problems are never ending.
Þú þarft ekki að ýta scart tenginu fast inn til þess að þetta virki.