I just took one of those facebook personality quizzes, and I guess because I neither agreed nor disagreed with most of the statements, I was diagnosed as having Openness as my strongest character trait. I guess that's true enough, especially the part about holding unconventional beliefs. I've stopped telling anyone my views on abortion or guns or homosexuality, because my own weird position frustrates and confuses people on either side of those ingrained, polarizing issues. I also just finished reading Sidasti Galdrameistarinn. I like reading books in Icelandic, especially if the Icelandic is good and not too confusing. I remember trying to read Paradísarheimt by Laxness many years ago, and I couldn't even get through half of it. It doesnt help with language acquisition to read a book by an author who makes up words and favors convoluted metaphors. So I'm glad to read good juvenile literature. I can also read straight forward, plot driven novels in Icelandic with ease