63 bands

Have I mentioned on this blog that my cousin (3rd cousin) is Brynjar Leifsson, the band leader for Of Monsters and Men? So I am always really interested in the exposure that band is getting here in the U.S.. The song Little Talks had gotten a ton of play on a range of different stations, and now Mountain Sound is getting played on a few stations in this area.

Yesterday, after Mountain Sound played, the DJ talked about how this song was from Of Monsters of Men, and how they were from Iceland. So then he asked the listeners if they could name 5 other bands from Iceland. No one could (Bjork, Sigur Ros, and Sugar Cubes) was all that they came up with. So then he said he looked it up online, and there were "63 bands in Iceland". I have no idea were a statistic of this sort could be tabulated, but I should have thought there was a lot more than 63 bands in Iceland.


Skúli Páls said…
Það eru 63 þingmenn. Kannski ruglaðist hann.

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