Black and white and gray

When I moved into my new apartment in Walnut Creek, I decided to go with a black and white decorative theme in the bedroom. I have a white dresser drawer and some black and white accessories, so I bought a black wooden platform bedframe with a cool swooping headboard (called Miami style). It was however a bit more challenging than I thought to find a bedspread I liked with a black and white design. In fact, I found one for Palmer's bed (a small single bed in the corner of my room, which can fold up into a chair) before I found one for my bed. It is a black and white and grey with some orange and teal on it, a sort of skateboarder motif. Then I finally found a bedspread I liked, mostly grey with a dark grey border on the bottom and black and white leaf design in the middle. I thought I would end up folding Palmer's bed into a chair most days, but actually the bedspreads go so well together I just leave both beds out and made even on the nights Palmer isn't here.

I was pretty dismayed when I was making my bed the other day, and tugged at my fancy bedspread to get it lined up right. It tore. Just a few inches, but still, a brand new bedspread that cost me quite a bit. Now I am trying to figure out how to fix it, and imagine I will have to embroider some sort of leaf pattern over the tear.

Anyhow, the bedroom decor has not quite come together the way I expected, but at least Palmer has his own bed and a bedspread he thinks is cool.


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