
Four years ago, I was at my sister's house, trying to figure out if I should take a job I was being interviewed for in Seattle or not. My sister could tell I was stressed out about it, so she suggested we draw runes and see what they said. The order in which runes are drawn are important.* As I recall, the first one says something about the person drawing the runes, the second one is the issue that must be worked through, and the third one is the outcome. Here is what I got:

The first one was pretty generic, Raido, a person in transition.

The second one was kaunaz, the rune for Loki.

The third one was ehwaz, the rune for an incredibly strong and lasting bond.

I still have no idea what any of it means.

*Also if the rune is drawn upside down or right side up makes a difference, but I don't remember which one of these I drew upside down.


Lissy said…
I am reading this evening an article by Kevin Wanner in the journal History of Religion (2009) which concludes with this statement on the importance of Loki in Norse mythology:

If the Theogony is at its core a myth of kings, a myth in which sovereignty becomes the permanent possession of an unimpeachable, ideal ruler,
then the stories that center around Loki might be read as relating a myth of poets, one that insists on the inevitability, even among the gods, of
sovereignty’s loss and transmission, and thus on the universal need for agents and instruments of memorialization.

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