Good point, bro
Last night, my brother and I were talking about the domestic terrorist attack in Norway. My brother is not perhaps your "average American" in terms of his knowledge of Scandinavia, since he has been to Iceland of course and pays attention to happenings in that part of the world. But compared to most of my friends and colleagues, who are completely obsessed with all things Scandinavian, I offer my brother as a more reliable witness to what most Americans thought about the events of yesterday.
He mentioned something I had not thought of at all. He said to me, "You know what surprises me? Norway has mandatory military service for all young men. They all learn how to shoot. They are all given sidearms. In that country, people are armed. How could it be then that not one of those kids out there camping on that island, had a gun? How is it that that guy got out of there alive?"
I of course admire the sentiment of the Norwegian prime minister, calling for greater democracy and understanding after the events of yesterday. But I also do find it hard to imagine that the local police near that island just carefully and respectfully brought him in for questioning. And I wonder, what is the maximum punishment he will be given? 10 years in prison with full access to TV and internet and everything else?
He mentioned something I had not thought of at all. He said to me, "You know what surprises me? Norway has mandatory military service for all young men. They all learn how to shoot. They are all given sidearms. In that country, people are armed. How could it be then that not one of those kids out there camping on that island, had a gun? How is it that that guy got out of there alive?"
I of course admire the sentiment of the Norwegian prime minister, calling for greater democracy and understanding after the events of yesterday. But I also do find it hard to imagine that the local police near that island just carefully and respectfully brought him in for questioning. And I wonder, what is the maximum punishment he will be given? 10 years in prison with full access to TV and internet and everything else?
(Fyrirgefðu að ég skuli skrifa þetta á íslensku. Mér finnst þetta bara of mikilvægt til að einskorðast við þá lesendur þína sem skilja hana.)