Glad I made it out in time

Sometime Wednesday afternoon last week, I started wondering about postponing my flight from Iceland until Saturday. It would have given me more time to pack and also allowed me to participate in some social activities I was invited to but had to decline. 

Boy am I happy I did not do that. 

Flights were cancelled Saturday and Sunday from Iceland because of the volcanic eruption in Grimsvatn, which would have meant I would not have made it back for Palmer's debut performance today. In front of several hundred strangers, my little guy sang loudly, goofed around on stilts, and smiled big. 

Grimsvatn would have had a mad mommy to content with, if it had made me miss all that.  


Það má alla vega hugga sig við að þetta er bara gos en ekki heimsendir.
Anonymous said…
Gosið byrjaði nú ekki fyrr en klukkan 7 á laugardeginum og það var engu flugi aflýst fyrr en á sunnudagsmorgni ;)
Lissy said…
Takk fyrir Hildigunnur! Ég var einmitt að hugsa ef ég hafði það rétt eða ekki. En eins og standir á frásagnir, ég er bara rétt half the time!

Og Bergur, alveg hárétt hjá þér!!
Gott að þú náðir að sjá hann! Og það er líka gott að þessu bévítans gosi virðist vera að ljúka.

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