A thought about VG
Anyone who reads my blog knows that I like to consider myself an environmentalist. So I was not especially happy to see VG do so poorly in the municipal elections (though of course most Icelanders think of them more as communist than environmentalist, I like to pretend they have the same idea as I do about the necessity to prioritize corporate responsibility over profitability).
So if I may be allowed to spin that poor showing a bit to the positive side, it occurs to me that perhaps the leadership of VG was too busy dealing with pressing national matters in the Althingi and ministries to really be of much help to their local party affiliates. They did not have, or did not take, the time to promote VG as a label in a way that could help in municipal elections. It is a small party, and it is trying to do an awful lot all at once.
So if I may be allowed to spin that poor showing a bit to the positive side, it occurs to me that perhaps the leadership of VG was too busy dealing with pressing national matters in the Althingi and ministries to really be of much help to their local party affiliates. They did not have, or did not take, the time to promote VG as a label in a way that could help in municipal elections. It is a small party, and it is trying to do an awful lot all at once.
Verkin tala að mínu mati, ekki endilega það sem fólk segir og lofar í svona kosningum.
Vandamál VG er fyrst og fremst ósætti innanflokks og undirlægjuháttur sumra við stjórnarandstöðu...