Sumardagurinn fyrsti vs. Earth Day
Tomorrow all the schools and many of the businesses are closed here in Iceland because of the first day of summer. Many of the townships, as I have already noted, are putting together programs and activities on this day and weekend for kids and families.
Though I do not think this is a terrible idea, I rather preferred the way Californians commemorate the day after the spring equinox. Though it is not generally speaking a day off, Californians still make a big deal out of Earth Day, which is usually on the 21st or 22nd of April. I guess Icelanders feel like they do not need to follow the lead of the rest of the world, and want to carry on with their own ideas of how to mark the change of the seasons.
But despite these misgivings, and the President of Iceland's prediction that a Katla eruption is eminent, I will try my best to just relax and enjoy tomorrow, and not think too much that I could instead be at the Earth Day parade in San Francisco. Besides, I am sure Palmer will enjoy the huge indoor bouncy castle that will be erected at Atlantic Studios.
Though I do not think this is a terrible idea, I rather preferred the way Californians commemorate the day after the spring equinox. Though it is not generally speaking a day off, Californians still make a big deal out of Earth Day, which is usually on the 21st or 22nd of April. I guess Icelanders feel like they do not need to follow the lead of the rest of the world, and want to carry on with their own ideas of how to mark the change of the seasons.
But despite these misgivings, and the President of Iceland's prediction that a Katla eruption is eminent, I will try my best to just relax and enjoy tomorrow, and not think too much that I could instead be at the Earth Day parade in San Francisco. Besides, I am sure Palmer will enjoy the huge indoor bouncy castle that will be erected at Atlantic Studios.
Þetta er dónaskapur að bera þetta saman eins og þú gerir það, segi það alveg eins og mér finnst það. Nógu mikið af bandarískum hefðum hefur verið troðið upp á okkur
I am well aware of how old sumardagurinn fyrsti is as a tradition, and I am quite sure Earth Day grows out of its ORIGINAL intent as a day to think about the natural world. To transform it into a day for kids to have cotton candy is what I am objecting to, not that Icelanders should have the day off of work or commemorate the changing of the seasons.
Við erum ekki að breyta Earth Day í skemmtidag fyrir börn, við erum að halda upp á okkar eigin hefðir, þannig að að það er engin 'transformation' sem þú þarft að fyrtast við. Það er ekki eins og Earth Day sé haldinn það hátíðlegur um heim allan og það er ekki nokkur ástæða fyrir Ísland að gefa sumardaginn fyrsta eftir.
Heiða, sorrí ef ég pirra þig, ég veit satt að segja ekki til þess að ég hafi nokkurn tímann áður komið með eitthvað hörundssárt svar hér á þessari síðu :þ
When Earthday was founded 40 years ago, its date was chosen because the day after the spring equinox was an old pagan holiday in celebration of the earth.
I do not think it would hurt Sumardagur fyrsti for it to have more of an environmental message. Kids are not opposed to planting a tree or doing something else to show respect to the planet.
Oh ya, there was also the toxic round up, encouraging everyone to dispose of old batteries, paints and chemicals safely.
I liked it.