Pine trees

Here in Keflavik, there is something called a skógar garðin. I have heard people talk about it, but have never known what they are talking about. There is no skóg (forest) in Keflavík. Well, yesterday we were driving around, and I saw the sign for this skógargarðin. And there in a large field, with walking paths all around, I saw maybe 50 or so tiny little pine trees. They were practically saplings, but I know they must have been planted several years ago. Trees grow very slowly here in Iceland, but they do grow.

It reminded me of the park near the house where I grew up. Last time I was home, I noticed how a pine tree that had been planted when I was a kid was still there. It was not all that tall, actually, since Southern California is not the natural habitat for pinetrees either, and it was rather crooked, but I was happy it was still there, and still growing in its own funny way.

Maybe I'll take Palmer to the skógargarðin this weekend, so he can pick out a favorite pine tree or two, so he can keep track of how they grow through the years.


Heiða said…
ég veit ekkert hvað "skógargarðin" er, og það er líklega ekkert til með því nafni. hins vegar kannast ég við stað rétt hjá búðinni Kaskó sem er kallaður skógræktin, og þýðir að þar er búið að rækta tré. Það er líka hægt að tala um að þar sé skógur, eða garður, en ekki skógargarður, það er aldrei sagt.
Lissy said…
Takk fyrir Heiða! Moður systir min, hún Ósk, nefni við mig skogargarður þegar hún var að segja mér frá draumanna hennar einu sinni, og ég gat ekki skilja hvað hún meinti. í gær kerðum við fram hjá skilti rétt hjá Kaskó og þar standir skógræktin. Ég ímydir mér þá hún Ósk franka var að tala um það staðir. Hún er ekki svó nákvæm með örnefni!

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