
Palmer and I went to Debenhams today, because I figured that was the only store I was sure would be carrying a selection of boy's bathingsuits at this time of the year. I have only been in there once before, or maybe twice, but today it really struck me, just how exactly identical it is to American department stores. Same layout, same selection of goods, same expensive but not outrageous prices, same overdressed sales clerks. Only difference is that there was no bathroom in Debenhams itself, whereas in the U.S., one can always count on departments stores to have nice bathrooms.*

*Ladies bathrooms in such stores often have carpeted areas with couches and extra mirrors and counters, actually. It is quite the gathering place. 


Debenhams er nú einusinni bresk 'department store' þannig að ekki skrítið það sé líkt.
Það er guðsélof ekki enn komin klósetttíska hér á Íslandi, en ég myndi reyndar ekki taka eftir því verandi karlmaður.
Sundskýlur á Íslandi eru alltaf til, fer ekki eftir árstíðum, og fást í öllum íþróttavörubúðum (og Hagkaupum)
Lissy said…
The name is British, I know that, and the price tags in pounds and euros. But I suspect they are owned by Macys, or vice versa.
Reyndar hvorugt.
En bresku búðirnar hafa eflaust lært mikið af þeim bandarísku
Heiða said…
það er hægt að fá ágætis sundföt á börn og fullorðna í öllum íþróttabúðum. t.d. ein á hafnargötu: sportbúð óskars. held ég hafi keypt sundskýlu á óliver minn þar, síðast þegar við þurftum nýja. ekki dýrt og "lókal".

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