Godiva Chocolates

This year for Christmas, I ordered online boxes of Godiva chocolates to be sent to most of my family members in the States, as a way to let them know I was thinking of them. It is one of the best brands of chocolate. So when I saw some Godiva chocolates on sale at the airport duty free shop here in Iceland last Monday morning, I bought them. The Christmas packaging made it pretty obvious why the boxes were on sale, but I thought hey, chocolate is chocolate. Plus of course I had not ordered myself a box at Christmas.

Well, now I know for sure that chocolate can go stale. Even something as yummy as Godiva chocolate has a shelf life. Although the chocolate heart I just ate was delicious.


Anonymous said…
hmm, vá, var kassinn frá jólum 2009 eða 2008? þetta á ekki að hafa svona stuttan líftíma. Kannski hefur lagerinn einhvern tíma verið í of miklum hita eða eitthvað?
Lissy said…
Godiva stores keep all their chocolates refrigerated, I think in fact they do not use any preservatives. So they are more sensitive to sitting around uneaten than other chocolates.
Anonymous said…
yeah, that's probably right.

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