Butcher block

Last night as I was falling asleep, I started thinking about how I need a butcher block for all my knives. Palmer is coming soon, and I hate having the knives in a drawer right where he can reach them. Plus on my last trip I picked up two more good knives, so now I have really almost a full set of decent cooking knives and steak knives. And then I started wondering what in the world I did with the old butcher block I used to have. So strange when I start thinking about all my stuff strewn all over the wide world, from two houses in California to this apartment in Iceland and now some of it seemingly stuck in Brazil. That my mind even remembers an old butcher block (one I had gotten when an undergraduate actually) is kind of amazing, except that well it was my first butcher block. We never had one growing up as a kid, and so I remember when my mom bought it for my college apartment, how surprised I was at how handy it was. I'd like to find it again if I can, because it really is nice to have a way to store all the knives right up on the countertop.


Carlos said…
Ever thought of having a magnetic wall mount for your good knives? Less clutter on the workspace ...
Lissy said…
I have tile all around my kitchen, so I don't suppose I will be mounting that anytime soon.

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