Culture, southern style

Tonight Menningarað Samband Sveitarfelags á Suðurnesjum had the award ceremony for everyone that they awarded grants to this year. It was really a neat experience, especially interesting to hear what all the other projects were that had been awarded. A blues festival at the Blue Lagoon (terrific idea!), a documentary about an eccentric couple in Vogar, several projects related to gathering information and making memorials about ship wrecks around Sandgerði and Garður, publications of books including one about the spákona of Suðurnesja (need to find out more about that one!), tons of music programs for people of all ages, some plays and operas, and several projects related to Hallgrímur Petersson, who, many people forget, was the priest at Hvalsneskirkja. This explains a lot about the quality of his poetry, I believe. That church is amazing.

Anyhow, all in all I am feeling like perhaps I do not have to drive into Reykjavík afterall, to enjoy a lively cultural scene.


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