Quality control
Johanna is in Sweden now, talking up Iceland's application to join the E.U. Now, as my readers will surely suspect, I have all sorts of opinions on that matter, but I must say one thing I really like about the EU is their quality control measures. Some of these seem to be less uptight than the US measures, like say for medicine, where the US Food and Drug Administration just takes forever to get a new drug approved. But other things, like ergonomic designs of desk furniture, is much better. The EU's Lighten the Load campaign has been diligent about discussing, researching, considering alternatives, and trying to find solutions to a problem that a lot of people do not seem to take very seriously. Though these regulations may be cumbersome, the idea is that only those companies that are diligent about improving the quality of life for their employees should be in business.
So this is one reason among many that I am hoping Iceland joins the EU. The chairs here at Arni Magnusson are pretty uncomfortable.
So this is one reason among many that I am hoping Iceland joins the EU. The chairs here at Arni Magnusson are pretty uncomfortable.
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Við verðum nefnilega öll komin með nóg af verðbólgu, kreppu og krónu árið 2011 eða 2012.