So, we all mistakes, right? We all do silly things sometimes? And it never helps to not get enough sleep or skip breakfast either, right? Or to be a little stressed and rushed? And well, there are clear differences between driving in California and driving in Iceland that surely ought to factor into the equation too? I mean, nobody is perfect.
I got in a car accident today, right near the University. Failed to yield to the driver on the inner circle. No one was injured, and my car is still drivable (though the turn signal got busted), so I am trying not to be too hard on myself about it. But it put a damper on the day, to say the least. And the dude I hit was pretty mean to me about, asked me three times, "What were you thinking?" in a very loud voice.
Sympathetic comments gladly accepted.
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Gott að enginn meiddi sig.
When under stress assholes become bigger...