Blue collar comedy tour
Back a few years ago, four comedians from the southern part of the United States got together for a comedy tour. The "big name" was Jeff Foxworthy, a rather middle-of the road southerner with a mild accent, who had a well known bit where each joke would start with "you might be a redneck if....". Larry the Cable guy was another one, he became a lot more famous after this tour was over, getting his own show for a while if memory serves and also voicing the truck Mater in the Disney film Cars. He was really funny, his gimick was to act slightly stupid most of the time and also sort of crude, and his most well known jokes ended with the phrase "get 'er done". My favorite was Ron White, who would drink and drink and drink on stage and smoke and smoke and smoke, and had all sorts of wicked comments to say about his ex wife. There was a fourth one who I can never remember and who did not make much of an impression one way or another, though I guess he was some sort of manager for the group.
Anyhow, I am always tempted to make a "you might be a redneck" joke here in Iceland, and then realize no one will probably know what I am talking about. Even less so if I say, "Get 'er done."
Anyhow, I am always tempted to make a "you might be a redneck" joke here in Iceland, and then realize no one will probably know what I am talking about. Even less so if I say, "Get 'er done."
The guy working next to me has Jeff Foxworthy's You might be a redneck... calender sitting on his desk.
Today's wisdom is "You might be a redneck if... you've changed your name for no apparent reason"