Icelandic directions

Travelers to Iceland often lament how casual Icelanders (here I mean specifically Icelandic businesses) are about specifying their whereabouts. A group of guys stopped me down by the pond a little while ago, asked me if I knew "where the place they call the Volcano" is at. I of course had zero idea, and was in fact just as lost myself, searching for Listasafn Reykjavík (which I ALWAYS confuse with Listasafn Íslands). Their website simply says it has two locations, one at Hafnahús and the other at Kjarvalstaðir. Don't know where those are? Oh, too bad. There is no map on either their website or

This is a really good way to ensure that a foreigner always feels like a foreigner.


Lissy said…
And in case anyone was wondering, yes, this is a plea for sympathy. I am way more pathetic than I let on.
Anonymous said…
hmm, aldrei heyrt um Volcano en það eru kort af bæði Kjarvalsstöðum og Hafnarhúsinu á
Anonymous said…
Hér er til dæmis Hafnarhúsið...
Lissy said…
Æ, hvegnig þú ert ýndæl, Hildigunnur!
Anonymous said…
takk takk :)

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