Far out

Last night I had a group of friends over for dinner, Icelanders who have spent time in California. When the fireworks started, we walked outside and I, and a couple of others, wanted to walk far out to the edge of the heath so we could get a good view, but the others wanted to just go back inside. One made a joke about how much Icelanders do not like to get cold, really.

This reminded me of when I was a teenager, and I wanted to go out to Reykjanes lighthouse in the middle of winter. Or when I was in Newfoundland, and wanted to walk all the way to the end of the path, so I could reach the very eastern most point of North America.

Even with a good jacket on, a lot of people would just sort of rather not bother.


Þetta er rétt hjá þér, margir Íslendingar eru svona, en ég held að þetta sé að breytast.

Kannski eru þetta leyfar frá því að Íslendngar neyddust til að vera allt of mikið úti í brunagaddi, illa klæddir og í lélegum skóm.

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