Construction delays

I was on campus yesterday (my Calnet ID suddenly stopped working), and noticed just how much has been built on and around campus since I was last there -- it has been since I guess November or December. Three buildings that were being framed then are up and running now, though with very few occupants. Then there is a huge new edifice rising on the west end of campus, at the turn about, which was a only a fenced off field last time I saw it (which should have a nice view of the Golden Gate Bridge, when it is done). The new Law Building is also well underway.

What surprised me about this flurry of activity is that it is taking place in the midst of a terrible budget crisis for the UC school system, such that faculty has had a substantial pay cut and grants for students are being reduced.

But I think, much like the Concert Hall in Reykjavik, that people in the budget office have figured out that it does not make any sense, in a long term perspective, to delay construction on a building once it is begun. It simply ends up costing more. On the other hand, I am sure they are not pouring lots of extra funds into overtime, etc., to speed up construction.


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