Coffee is a good espresso chaser

Up here in Ásbrú, fyrir verandi Varnastöð, things are progressing for the change of electricity from 110 volt to 220 volt. 

I personally was really happy with the 110 volt, coming from the U.S., not only because you know, that is the way an electrical outlet is supposed to look, but also because it meant I could use all my old appliances from the U.S. no problem, the crock pot, the vacuum cleaner, the espresso machine. 

But I am reconciling myself to the coming change. The signs are everywhere--we cannot walk to the pizza place without stumbling through 4 or 5 trenches dug for the new power cables. Soon I will have to say goodbye to my American appliances for good, I guess. 

This I suppose is why I am now using both my coffee maker and my espresso machine each day, instead of alternating. 


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