Not so bad

Well, at least the stone arrived without getting caught up in customs, or stuck in the door, or dropped. 

And I actually think, though I could be completely deceiving myself, I actually think two people I work with went, "wow, she isn't just a hyper flakey b*tch. She actually knows what she is doing." I think it was just a temporary fleeting thought, but I swore I saw some remote glimmer of that in their eyes. 

All in all, not such a bad day. I even seem to be a bit happy, though I am too tired to know for sure. 


ג. ג. said…
Hi Lissy,

I finally moved my blog to Wordpress. Please update your blogroll :)

Lissy said…
I noticed that! And yet when I clicked on it, I got to right place. How exactly does one move one's blog? And why does one move one's blog?
Anonymous said…
Ég flutti mig út af veseni með kommentakerfið á blogspot. Var búin að skipta yfir í Haloscan og kom upp eitthvað vesen og bara ákvað að hoppa yfir. Notendavænt og gott svæði, Wordpress. Ánægð þar, sé ekki eftir flutningnum.
Til hamingju með steininn!
Anonymous said…
Wordpress rules :D Comments are way more fun, got really good statistics to watch and is all over a better system. I moved from Blogspot about 2 years ago - also because of comment problems but even though I liked Blogspot, I'm happier with Wordpress. Get to put your own photo in the header, that's fun too.

It's easy to move, you get all the old posts over to the new place (and all the comments too, if you're using the blogger comment system, as you do).

This is my old Blogger page.

Congrats with the stone and the day.

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