Grocery store

I need very much to go to the grocery store; I do not even have coffee anymore, although thank goodness there was some instant in the back of the cabinet. So that should be on my list. 

The problem is, I never write lists when I go to the grocery store, really I don't. I just drive over there, and see what is available, see what looks fresh, what is on sale, what is on the shelves that was not there before, and then figure out while I'm cruising the aisles what I want to buy. Sometimes, this means that I get home and go Doh! I forgot toilet paper or something else equally crucial. But on the plus side, this means I am continually surprised, by what is on the conveyor belt, what I unload when I get home, and what is actually in my refrigerator. Suits me very well, since of course the main point is I will not starve. 


Elísabet said…
ég sleppi líka oftast að skrifa lista en á tímabili keypti ég sýrðan rjóma í hverri búðarferð og ísskápurinn fylltist af sýrðum rjóma og litlu öðru. undarlegur andskoti.
Ég skrifa stundum lista, en ég gleymi ALLTAF einhverju mikilvægu samt sem áður.
Lissy said…
Ég for í dag (þegar fundin var frestast) og veist þú hvað - ég helt ég gleymt ekkert! Remembered toilet paper, cheerios - oh shit, I forgot coffee!!

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