
When I was in California, there was only one brand of chicken I would buy, Rocky's Freerange Chicken. They only sell whole chickens, and I like that, that I had to cut it up myself, be fully aware of the fact that it was an actually animal I was consuming. So when I came here to Iceland, I got in the habit of buying Holta chickens, which are also sold whole, though always frozen. I have had one defrosting in my fridge for a few days, and actually forgot about it until this morning. Guess I'm having chicken tonight!


ג. ג. said…
Chicken. I find it very useful bird.
Anonymous said…
mmmm, chicken :D I very rarely buy a whole bird any more, since I like to do totally different recipes with the breast pieces than the rest.
HT said…
This is a good one:

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