Icelandic dictionaries
Icelandic dictionary editors have a tough job on their hands (as does any dictionary editor) because there is not (or at least was not) a set agreement here in Iceland about what seems like a pretty important issue: alphabetical order. For instance, 'a' and 'á'. Some dictionaries list all the entries for words starting with 'a', and then list all the entries for words starting with 'á'. Other dictionaries treat 'a' and 'á' as basically the same letter, alphabetizing entries instead by the letter that comes after it. Then there is the issue of the special characters - should ð come right after d, or at the end somewhere? Some dictionaries do it that way, some the other way. Just now I looked at the dictionary sitting on my kitchen counter, and noticed that the cover lists the letters, which at first seemed strange to me, until I remembered this quaint problem for Icelandic dictionary editors. Online editions have of course made this problem obsolete.