Capital idea

Well, I haven't finished any work related projects, but I had such a nice day visiting the museums in Washington D.C. today, and then walking up to the capital at sunset, that I wanted to write about it. Plans are well underway for the inauguration celebration: fencing, tents and bleachers have been set up, and all my friends are discussing which Balls they are going to go to. The excitement here in Washington is really palpable, even with the bad economic news and concern about the logistics of 4 million people packing onto the National Mall. It made me think how wonderful the election process can be, how much it can fill people with hope and optimism.

And it makes the unwillingness of the Icelandic government to hold elections seem really unconscionable.  


Iris said…
I didn't know about the Ocean Hall in the NMNH. I got very confused for a minute or so when I visited with Lilja in November (on election day!)It was a terrific mood. And to be honest I did not even know that there are no elections in Iceland. How do president's change? They just step down?
Lissy said…
It is a parliamentary system, and the Prime Minister is supposed to call elections whenever there is a "lack of confidence" in the government. Geir has refused to do so, citing possible further disruptions. As far as I can tell, this is the only legitimate thing the protestors can complain about. The rest should be chalked up to life lessons and doing it better in the future.

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