Memory and landscape in the sagas
Chapter 3 from my dissertation is I think my favorite, perhaps because I think it is the idea most likely to generate further research in my career. In this chapter, I argue that the landscape itself served as a mnemonic for the story of Þórðar saga hreðu, and that the plot is best explained vis a vis the actual geography of the area. The chapter as is has been approved by my committee, but I want to add a reference to a recent book that dovetails so nicely with my dissertation thesis. The book is called Being Alive: Essays on movement, knowledge, and description by Tim Ingold.
What Tim means to suggest is that there is a fundamental way in which human beings do not learn anything, unless they go somewhere.
Tomorrow, I am going to vote.
P.S. I thought I could attach the chapter here, but Blogger doesn't seem to allow for that.
Ferðir um Njáluslóðir eru vinsælar. Þá er farið á staðina sem koma fyrir í sögunni og rifjað upp hvað þar gerðist.