20 years

20 years ago, I was engaged to a nice guy I had met my freshman year of college in California. But before I walked down the aisle and said, "I do", I wanted to go spend some time in Iceland. I had the thought in my head, even back then, that I probably needed to share my life with someone who shared my passion for the Icelandic language, culture, history, and landscape. So I spent two months in Sandgerði, trying to be as much of a local as I could. When I didn't meet anyone special, I decided to go back and get married. I should have probably stayed in Iceland a little longer, instead.


Jon Frimann said…
The thing with paths is that they do not cross until everything is ready. With that I mean every detail, every second of everything needs to fall into place at the right time and moment.

Sometimes that takes 20 years, and just a little longer.
Anonymous said…
NÚNA, ég fékk öll áhuga og eruð ekki að klára söguna.
Lissy said…
Já, loksins get eg byrja ad klàra sögunni. Eg var lengi ad finna Íslendingur sem hefur eins mikid ahuga um mer og eg hefdi af honum. En yfir jòlin kom umsækjandi til min sem hentir nu agætlega.

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