Image of the Vikings

Last night I arrived at my sister's house in Seattle in time for her boyfriend's annual Winter solstice party. One attendee was a very pretty, friendly, talkative, 25 year old named Amy. She was fascinated by the fact that I had just arrived from Iceland, and this led to lots of questions. 

Her impression when I said the word "Vikings" was that I was talking about cavemen. I tried to explain the  historical time frame better, but she was on a roll. "Yeah, a friend of mine was telling me the other night, that those Vikings did not wait for anything. If they saw a woman they liked, they just raped her." 

I think I might in the future just say I specialize in medieval Icelandic literature. 


Óli Gneisti said…
Það er til frábær þáttur af Baywatch Nights þar sem koma fram víkingar sem virðast einmitt vera einhvers konar hellisbúar.
Carlos said…
You might say that the Vikings were traders, always prepared to make a kill! A bit like those of our day and age ...
Styrmir Reynisson said…
Þú verður að bæta ímynd okkar og fræða landa þína. :)
William said…
Sounds like the Vikings went the way of the extinct bird species aerobornus fragilis because they had this crazy habit of laying their eggs in mid-air....

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