Thai food in Keflavík

I owe a friend of mine dinner, since he helped me out a few weeks ago with the Viking class we had at the museum. I suggested that if he was willing to come back here to Keflavík, we could go to the great Thai food place on Hafnagata. This was completely out of the question as far as he was concerned, based on the simple assumption that Thai food in Keflavík could not be good (even though I assured him I had eaten there many times and found it to be one of the best Thai places I have ever eaten at)l Instead he suggested we go to an Indian place in Reykjavík. 

I have lived in a lot of big cities in the U.S., and all of them have had minority ethnic groups whose restaurants round out the culinary scene. Usually there is a critical mass of one group or another, such that one can completely trust that Chinese food in San Francisco and Ethopian food in Washington D.C. will be really good. So I have to say, in all honesty, that "Indian food in Reykjavík" sounds just as silly to me as "Thai food in Keflavík" sounds to most Icelanders. 


Villi said…
Ekki gleyma hvað það er langt frá Reykjavík til Keflavíkur, en stutt frá Keflavík til Reykjavíkur...
Heiða said…
Elska þennan mat á Thai Keflavík. Einn besti thai-staður á Íslandi, í alvörunni!
Anonymous said…
Verð að prófa þennan tælenska stað í Kef! (og finnst það ekki neitt fáránlegt - besti tælenski matur sem ég hef fengið á Íslandi var á Thai Koon á Ísafirði).

Austurlandahraðlestin er síðan hreint ekki fáránlegur staður enda rekinn af Indverjum og ég held þau flytji inn og/eða búi til eigið hráefni. Mangó, á Frakkastíg er hins vegar ekkert góður - allavega ekki síðast þegar ég fór þangað. Líka ekki sérlega hrifin af Shalimar (þó hann sé reyndar líka rekinn af Indverjum).

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