Stop thinking about yourself

Well, I do not know when, but at some point in time over the last year or so, I have become some sort of wise sage dispensing caring and timely advice to friends near and far. My friend Kim in California has always put me in this roll, but when we were younger, I sort of chaffed at it, did not feel like I actually had much wisdom to impart. But now, 20 years later, it turns out I do have an opinion about how people should handle emotional crisis of one sort or another. It is kind of like realizing I have an opinion about politics, which I still sometimes do not really acknowledge until 4 days later or something, I find myself telling someone else about a recent decision by the Icelandic or Calfornian government, and getting rather upset about it. It is only then that I think, "wow, I did have an opinion about that!" So it turns out I also have a much stronger opinion than I thought I did about how women should treat their boyfriends, and men should treat their girlfriends. 

Funny thing is it is the same advice Doc Hudson gives Lightening McQueen, that he needs to stop thinking about himself so much. Repeated in this image I saw today:

“If you want a stronger marriage, work on it together.”


Jon Frimann said…
Þetta er það sem ég ákvað að gera, þegar ég kæmist í samband. Hinsvegar hef ég ekki komist í samband ennþá og því býður reynslan af því betri tíma.
asda said…
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Anonymous said…
Jamm, þetta virkar, prófað sjálf :D

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