
I had to go get Palmer from a neighbor's house the other day, and had the feeling the mom did not entirely appreciate 4 kids showing up unannounced.

I remember when I was a kid, knocking on the door of my friend's house, nervously awaiting the moment when the mom would answer, and I would have to ask, "Can Wendy come out and play?" It was then completely at the mom's discretion if we played together or not, or whether we played inside or out.

Here in Iceland I am having a little bit of trouble understanding how it works. It seems the kids sort of just run into each other outside, and then one kid invites the others over to his house, without the mom being consulted. Or maybe my son is just asking if he can go play at their house (with their toys), because I think usually the Icelandic kids stay outside most of the time.


"The kids sort of just run into each other outside, and then one kid invites the others over to his house, without the mom being consulted."
Svona virkar það heima hjá mér allavega. Krakkarnir koma með vini sína heim nánast hvenær sem er. Ef ég fá nóg, þá hendi ég bara öllum út ;-)
Thordis said…
Já ég held að þú sért nokkuð vel með þetta á hreinu. Svo er inn á milli eitthvað um organized play-dates en þetta er frekar svona tilviljanakennt. Mikið líka um að krakkar komi og spyrji "Er X heima?" "Megum við leika?". Sem sagt mjög sveigjanlegt fyrirkomulag :)

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