Little Einstein

This week Keilir switched over our television and phone service from Siminn. Now our television is cable TV, which is a really good idea. All of these American apartments are built with cabling throughout and there are outlets set in the wall in almost every room (so it is no problem to own multiple televisions).

This morning was my first real chance to check out the channel selection, all 30 of them. Turns out we have the Disney channel, which at first made me worried. i did not want Palmer watching a bunch of English language cartoons, same as he could get in California. So I was delighted to discover this morning that the delightful kids Little Einstein were speaking Danish.

I told Palmer Danish was a blend between English and Icelandic. He seems to really like listening to it.


Jon Frimann said…
Til hvers fyrirtækis var Keilir að skipta yfir á ?
Lissy said…
I am not exactly sure. Something that uses a Thompson router.

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