Stuck in the 90s

My 20 year highschool reunion is coming up this summer (end of July, actually). They are planning to have it at one of the restaurants along "Downtown Disney Boulevard".

I went to my 10 year reunion, and really cannot decide if I want to go to this one now, especially since I would much rather be in Iceland in July than in California. The choice of restaurant is also rather discouraging, but on the other hand, the facebook page the organizing committee has set up is working really well. People are posting old photos and commenting, and all of us getting a chance to say hello.

It got me thinking though about something I once heard, that basically we develop our fashion, music, and artistic taste in our late teens and early 20s, with some slight modification up to 30. I know in my case, I became a lot less current in terms of pop-culture starting in my mid 20s. I actually never got into Friends or the Lord of the Ring movies or anything. I just sort of felt like I had gotten a decent repertoire of pop culture stories and references, and then of course it tapered off even more severely after I Palmer was born. Now the only pop culture I am interested in keeping up with is the latest kids shows and films.

I guess this means I should go to my reunion. Come to think of it, I am pretty sure I even still have some clothes in my closet from my senior year....


Lissy said…
I actually thought I had hit publish on this blog entry about 2 hours ago, which again shows how behind the times I am.
Jon Frimann said…
Duglas Adams komst að svipaðri niðurstöðu á sínum tíma.

"Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things."

The Salmon of Doubt (2002),

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