Fowl fables
There has been a bit of a joke going around here in Iceland that the irresponsible behavior of the politicians and bankers here in Iceland the last few years is because all of them heard the same children's story in preschool, about the little yellow chicky who causes lots of trouble and always says it is not their fault, as far as I can tell. This is not a children's fable I am personally familiar with, but it seems to be pretty well known here in Iceland.
Instead, in the U.S., we have a story called Rosie's Walk. In that story, Rosie the chicken leaves her coop for a stroll around the farm. A fox starts stalking her during her walk, and tries to pounce on her on five or six different occasions. The fox unfortunately misses everytime, landing instead on a rake or into the pond or into the bee hives. Rosie notices none of the mayhem happening around her, and just carries on her mary way, eventually making it back to her safe, cozy coop, none the worse for wear.
I suppose this encapsulates something about the American mentality.