
Icelanders do a good job, I think, of providing children's programming in Icelandic, considering of course it is such a small country with a tiny market. But still one has to be aware when buying a children's show that in fact it might just be in English, unless it has a sticker on it saying "með íslensku tali!" In fact they all specify what language they are in: one cartoon where the penguins do nothing but squawk at each other specified that it was in "morgæs tal" (penguin talk).

Having íslensk tál though is only part of the issue. I also want to make sure the content is age appropriate, and something Palmer will enjoy. I also hope it will be something the other kids here in Iceland watch and like, so that Palmer hopefully can find some common ground with the kids out on the playground, something to talk about.

Well, we bought the DVD with the show Élias on Friday. It is about a group of boats, set in a Norwegian fjord as far as I can tell. Palmer watched it yesterday, and really loved it. I just think it is great that it celebrates a maritime culture; there are so few children's shows that do that. They are usually set in suburbia or in the city, a few in some woodland forest. So Élias seems more Icelandic that way too.

I do not know if it is popular with the other kids here or not, but at least it has a few things going for it.


Heiða said…
"með íslensku tali" "íslenskt tal"
Tál þýðir eitthvað allt annað en tal, þú verður að fletta því upp.....hehehehe!
Lissy said…
Takk Takk Heiða! Yep, that's funny. Icelandic cheating...
Ko-Leen said…
we have that one, stefán used to like it too

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