Cannot speak for others

Icelanders seem to be going through a range of different emotions about this volcanic eruption. Unlike the eruption of a few weeks ago, which was declared a "success" as it were--no property damage, lots of pretty pictures--this one is much more circumspect. Icelanders seem to be fighting off some sort of feeling of guilt that "their country" is grounding flights all over Europe. There is anxiety also that Icelanders abroad cannot get home, and now that flights out of Iceland have also been cancelled, there is anxiety about not being able to leave either. So, combined with all the emotions stirred up by the release of the Truth Commission Report on Monday, many Icelanders have their nerves a little frayed.

So, although I know I am not speaking for other when I say this, I think this eruption is just wonderful. In my book, anything that inspires awe is wonderful, and this eruption certainly does that, even more so than the last. And if we do not go through life thinking the world is awesome, than we have really missed the point.


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