Driving in the snow*

This morning my car had an appointment with the local mechanic to get his (bíll in Icelandic being masculine) brakes fixed. I very much wanted this done before Palmer arrives, so even though there was a mound of snow right behind my car, and four more mounds of snow in my parking lot, I knew I would have to find a way to get the car out. Shoveling the entire parking lot was clearly not a good option, so then I noticed how much less snow there was on the windward, grassy side of my house. I decided I would have to do a bit of off-roading in my little gray mini-van. There was of course one pile of snow in my way before I could get to the road, but since the car had built up some momentum, well, he went right over it, no problem. So my driving lesson for the day is that in the snow, one sometimes has to just go for it.

*Probably not a topic of interest to most, but since my expose to this sort of driving was severely limited growing up in California, I am still gathering up neuropaths on the subject. 


Anonymous said…
er bíllinn beinskiptur eða sjálfskiptur? Beinskiptir eru betri í snjó en á þeim sjálfskiptu eru lággírarnir ómetanlegir.

Svo er auðvitað aðalreglan, ekki gefa of mikið inn, um leið og dekkin byrja að spóla, þá er maður fastur. Fara varlega af stað ef maður er hræddur um að festast, hins vegar sniðugt eins og þú gerðir, ef maður hefur gott grip en þarf að fara gegn um skafl að hika ekki.

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