Best laid plans

Taking the Reykjanes Express this morning reminded me of taking the BART back in San Francisco, so I intended to enjoy one of the real, if seldom mentioned, perks of public transport -- feeling justified buying a really good coffee upon arrival in the big city. In Berkeley, Sufficient Grounds and Pete's Coffee are both right there at the BART entrance. So it was with a sense of glee that I realized the bus stop I use drops off right near the Kaffi Tár at the National Museum. This steeled my resolve as I headed out into the cold, windy morning towards the bus stop: the promise of a decent latte.

One little detail I overlooked is that the museum is closed on Mondays. This would not happen in Berkeley.  


Iris said…
I once tried to get into a museum in my home town here on a Monday and was informed by the information staff that even VERSAILLES is closed on Mondays. I guess I should have known about San Francisco then ;-)
Lissy said…
haha! good one! Hairdressors and museums do like to be closed on Mondays, but us brave souls at Vikingaheimar, we are open every day!

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