Swimming lessons

The other day, I was talking to Palmer's dad, asking him whether or not he had put Palmer in peewee soccer or not. He hadn't, and was instead looking into swimming lessons. Those also did not seem like they would work, timing wise and also in terms of the quality of the program. Dave read an online review that was mixed about how affective it was and critical of how many students were allowed to enroll at once, so he's decided to skip that and was considering a private tutor.

I had a private tutor when I was learning how to swim, my dad. It took maybe 2 weeks, or less, and then there I was, swimming away. My dad also taught my two nieces how to swim.

Anyhow, we agreed I would look into swimming lessons for Palmer here in Iceland. And if that does not work out, I know of a really great private tutor who might be up for the job.


Anonymous said…
Ég sendi Finn á sundnámskeið hjá KR fyrir tveimur árum, í Vesturbæjarlaug, það var fínt. Náttúrlega langt að fara fyrir ykkur en getur vel verið að það séu námskeið í Reykjanesbæ líka. Hann varð ekki flugsyndur en bjargar sér mjög vel í djúpu lauginni.

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