Send in the Marines

I know everyone in Iceland is proud to have sent a plane full of rescuers to Haiti so quickly. I am too.

The U.S. Military is also sending Naval and Marine forces to Haiti. This CNN report says 5000 to 6000 troops are there.
Those are dedicated hard working people, and I admire what they are doing.

I note however that in terms of percentage of the population, 100 people from a country of 300,000 is a lot more than 6,000 people from a country of 300,000,000.


HT said…
Íbúar bandaríkjanna eru rúmar 300 milljónir. Hlutfallið er sem sagt 1000:1 þannig að 100 íslendingar jafngilda 100.000 bandaríkjamönnum...
Lissy said…
Já, takk, gott að fá svona memory trick. Það er, semsagt, audveldara fyrir mig að muna hvað mörg íslendingar eru.

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