
Last night we went shopping at Target, which is by far the best of all discount retail chains in the United States. I hear they have some discriminatory hiring practices, or used to, but never anything like Walmart. Other than that, I think they are a really good company. One gets that impression just walking in the store. Things are neat and well organized, and merchandise, including some of their own labels, is well-made. But really, what sets Target apart from other stores is that it is not too big. I don't know if that makes any sense, but honestly, Target feels more like Hagkaup than Costco or Walmart. Those places are seriously exhausting to walk into. Every department in those stores is huge, thus the building is huge, it is confusing, it takes forever to get around. Every electronic, everything for the house, an entire grocery store in the middle of a huge clothing store overstocked with racks and racks of clothes. It seems there is no product not for sale at those places.

Target on the other hand has made the decision to keep their departments manageable: a few aisles of home goods, a nice selection of toys, one short aisle for each age group, clothes that are often specially made for Target. Their buyers have actually preselected nice, affordable, good quality things, instead of leaving the customers to waddle through everything. A trip to Target feels efficient.

It is Palmer's favorite store. He has such good taste.


Elísabet said…
Þegar ég bjó í Bandaríkjunum var Target uppáhalds búðin mín:)
Lissy said…
A woman of impeccable taste, of this I had no doubt.

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