Charitable giving, Icelandic style
When I was in California, I had two envelopes from my favorite charities, Habitat for Humanity and the ASPCA. The enveloped included a stack of Christmas cards and preprinted return address labels, and a cover letter thanking me for my gifts earlier in the year. The letter went on to discuss the needs they were hoping to meet this holiday season, and there was a return envelope should I be so inclined to send more money to them before year's end. All very nice.
I get back here to Iceland, and was doing a little online banking today. Knew I needed to pay my cell phone bill, so I click on the electronic bill pay option. Only to discover that 4 different charities had sent me a bill, which showed up just like any other unpaid invoice. Huh? In the US, I get to decide how much I give, first of all. Second of all, I am not obliged to give anything. But here it is like "pay this amount or else get a late fee"? I went ahead and gave a little something to the fatlaður, but the krappamein society is going to have to do without from me. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this does not land me in some sort of debtors prison.
I get back here to Iceland, and was doing a little online banking today. Knew I needed to pay my cell phone bill, so I click on the electronic bill pay option. Only to discover that 4 different charities had sent me a bill, which showed up just like any other unpaid invoice. Huh? In the US, I get to decide how much I give, first of all. Second of all, I am not obliged to give anything. But here it is like "pay this amount or else get a late fee"? I went ahead and gave a little something to the fatlaður, but the krappamein society is going to have to do without from me. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this does not land me in some sort of debtors prison.
Ég fæ aldrei svona nótur í heimabankan nema að ég samþykki þær sérstaklega í símtali.
Talaðu við bankann og athugaðu afhverju þetta er svona hjá þér. Þú þarft einnig að tala beint við þessi félög sem eru að senda þér þessa reikninga.