
I am at a conference in UCLA, and there are lots of Scandinavian (plus two Australians and a person from Switzerland) here. Returning to my hotel room after the reception last night, I heard one Danish attendee asking the front desk about how to get to the beach, using public transportation, a perfectly reasonable request coming from a European perspective, where trains and buses are well coordinated. The front desk lady then began to explain the four different busses and all the transfers and places to wait necessary to get to Santa Monica. You would think the beach was on the other side of the state, instead of the other side of the freeway from here. What the front desk lady should have just said was, "No one really uses public transportation in LA. If you want to go somewhere, rent a car." Seriously, it is only a 10 minute drive.


Unknown said…
Dálítið eins og í Reykjavík en þó heldur verra, ef til vill. Hér eru ekki beinlínis almenningssamgöngur. Frekar einskonar neyðaraðstoð við þá sem ekki eru á bíl.

Hjörtur Hjartarson

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