
One of the new businesses that started up here at the old base is Detöx. It is kind of like a hotel where people stay for two weeks or so I guess, only they also eat a special diet and follow a set schedule. They also go on lots of walks; I always see groups of people walking around with walking sticks, serious outdoor gear, and a determined look on their face. Reminds me a little bit of when I used to come up here, when this was still a military base, and see men marching in uniform. Only this is a lot funnier.


Lissy said…
Of course, it is hard to tell if they are running away from something or towards something!
Anonymous said…
haha, this detox thing's a funny enough phenomenon by itself...
Jon Frimann said…
Þetta er svindl. Það er til fjall af vísindagögnum sem sanna slíkt. Hinsvegar eru svikarar og þjófar ekki af baki dottnir frekar en fyrri daginn í þessum efnum.

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