One more step towards complete Icelandicization
I do not imagine this will ever totally happen, but today marks one more little step towards Icelandicazation for me. I am going to get my eyebrows dyed. I have noticed more and more how every woman here in Iceland seems to do this, and at first of course I thought it was silly. In California people just wax their eyebrows. But then I went over to my cousin's for dinner a few months ago, and I just could not believe how pretty she looked. She said she'd just had her eyebrows done. So, what the heck. Maybe it is some tacky Suðurnesja sort of thing, but I don't care, off I go.
waxed and dyed and ready to go, the piercing has to wait until tomorrow
But my cousin and I agreed, you have to start thinking, "This baby is coming out on Monday!" or something like that. We figure he'll pick up on your psychic vibes that you expect him to get his little baby butt out of there. Her friend Hulda had anecdotal evidence of just this sort of thing working with two other women she knew. So forget about the fluffy white cloud, and just think, "Monday, Monday, Monday".