
As a kid and even when I worked at the Smithsonian, Icelandair was my favorite airline, mostly because of the food and how much I liked hearing Icelandic onboard. About 5 years ago, Southwest Airlines got that honor for how easy it was to book, get a seat, and earn free trips. But I have recently become a convert to Virgin Airlines. The planes are new and stylish, they offer Wi-fi on board and all sorts of TV options, the stewardesses never come around unless you ask them to, and everyone on board is young and hip, as far as I can tell. Plus the price is just right. How they manage to be so fabulous in the midst of this financial situation is a bit beyond me, but anyhow, they have won my loyalty. Icelandair has not so much, since they keep trying out business strategies other airlines have used to a modicum of success, instead of really going for something "brand" new. 


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