Parties of 4

When I was a kid growing up in Southern California, my family was an anomaly in too many ways to even begin to explain, but one thing that stood out was that there were 4 kids, all full blood relations, my sister and I and our two brothers. I guess this is one reason The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was one of our favorite books. Anyhow, we were the only family I knew with so many kids; some of my friends were only children, but most families had two kids, and a very few had three. I knew no one else where there were 4. Here in Iceland, that isn't so unusual at all. My mom grew up in a family of 4, two boys and two girls, and I have several Icelandic friends with families of a similar make-up. And with half-siblings and the like, Icelandic families tend to be even bigger than that. That is so nice, so comforting, but it does make me miss my siblings terribly.  


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