Nordic Fest Dinner

I am now in the midst of finalizing details for the last of my four major Christmas themed events in as many weeks, and all of it work related.

This time it is a formal sit down dinner, a sort of office party I guess only it isn't a crazy dance all night-do-things-you-might-regret later kind of party. Rather it is a tradition for a lot of people, who bring a group of friends with them and thereby save themselves from having to throw a party at their house. Attending the Nordic Fest dinner has become a part of their holiday plan.

In years past, it has always been a huge buffet, but this year, the majority of members who voiced an opinion asked to have a plated meal served to the table. There clearly are some people who wanted change. On the other hand, I have been getting plenty of phone calls from people who are confused and don't understand why we have changed things. They liked things just the way they were. 

So the common phrase is that opposites attract, but I really don't think that is true. At least for something like this, it seems more like a recipe for disaster. You see, I am the sort of person who likes change. I can pat myself on the back and say that is because I worked hard to develop a growth-mindset, but I don't think that is true. The first psychologist I ever went to (when I was 17) was amazed when I told her that, as a 9 year old, I demanded that me and my friends (of which I was the youngest by far) stop doing something we had been doing for several years. To me, it has always seemed natural that things must come to an end, nothing goes on forever. But for lots of people, the entire point of life is to struggle very hard to keep things going exactly as they have been going, to avoid any change at every cost.

The thing about opposites attracting is that there has to be a fundamental respect for the fact that another way of doing things has its advantages. I can see the advantages, especially from a logistics point of view, of doing things exactly the same way. So I do respect it up to a point. But it is definitely a fulcrum, and when it tips, I head over to disrespect. I can't help it. No one is perfect, of course, least of all me, but I do like that about myself, that I embrace change. I am sure there are lots of people who really like the fact that they are keeping traditions alive, that they are helping to preserve something fleeting and unappreciated in our modern world.

Anyhow, it is just sort of heartbreaking, because I suppose they do not respect me for being such a wild child and I cannot comprehend their need for absolute routine. It is sad when there is that kind of disconnect.

So we will see on Saturday. Some of the people are coming because they like that we are doing something new, but others are coming only because it is a tradition, and for those, the Nordic Fest will be a disappointment, even if the meal is delicious and the entertainment nice.

I am looking forward to trying the PLU chefs Icelandic rúllupylsa for the first time, and we are also going to try to sing Braðum koma blessuð jólin. 


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