Margret Clunies Ross

I have been remiss on blogging the last few days, although I have in mind to blog about a presentation my students gave on Wednesday. It was all about Iceland and mackerel fishing, and it was interesting. But I was busy Wednesday taking care of Palmer, and busy getting ready for my trip and driving on Thursday, and although I brought my computer with me to the conference on Friday, it seemed a bit rude to be typing long things while everyone talked. Now this morning I am a bit groogy, not because I drank so much, but because if I drink at all, I always wake up super early the next morning.

Last night was a dinner in John Lindow's honor, and among the many people giving him a toast and saying a few nice words was yours truly. I was the only one with a typed out prepared speech, and although I got plenty of "that was so nice" afterwards, it wasn't until this morning that I was really convinced it had worked out well. Because this morning, getting off the elevator here in the hotel, I crossed paths with a luminary in the field of Old Norse Studies, our equivalent of the Iron Lady, whom I have seen on two other occasion and who has always looked right past me. But this morning she smiled at me and said hello. What more could one ask for?


Óli Gneisti said…
Ég fékk hana líka til að brosa þegar hún kenndi mér með því að flytja fyrirlestur sem var eingöngu byggður á staðreyndum og án tilrauna til þess að koma með nýstárlegar túlkanir.
Lissy said…
Já, hun var ekki mikið fyrir hugmyndin hennar Merrils, sem var að tala um misletoe í Völuspá.

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